Thursday Aug 23, 2012
Tarek Fatah, Kris Kobach, Chris Holton, Shoshana Bryen
Thursday Aug 23, 2012
Thursday Aug 23, 2012
Author TAREK FATAH explains how Pakistan despises the US and therefore the US should stop pretending they are our allies. Pakistan is ruled by the military and the generals are blackmailing the US and taking advantage of Obama’s submissive attitude.
Secretary of State for the state of Kansas KRIS KOBACH talks about how Kansas has adopted a law that would prevent any foreign law to be used in Kansas courts. He also explains how the GOP party is now taking up this fight to ensure that only the US Constitution is applied to court cases.
CHRIS HOLTON from the Center for Security Policy talks about the need for states to create legislation against terrorism and sponsors of terrorism instead of leaving it to the federal government; as well as creating legislation to keep foreign laws out of state courts.
SHOSHANA BRYEN of the Jewish Policy Center explains how the US is taking a bias stance towards Egypt which is in direct conflict with our partnership with Israel.