Friday Apr 27, 2012
Fred Grandy, Rep. Gus Bilirakis, Yoram Ettinger, Bill Gertz
Friday Apr 27, 2012
Friday Apr 27, 2012
Fred Grandy
· The Muslim Brotherhood is working itself into American society with a “charm campaign” that paints Sharia as a Constitutional friendly way of life.
· Sharia is taking hold throughout Africa, the Middle East and parts of Europe; will it come to the US next?
Representative Gus Bilirakis
· Freedom of religion is under assault in Egypt and the Muslim Brotherhood is doing everything they can to oppress religious minorities while promoting Sharia
· The US needs to stop giving aid to nations that do not accept religious freedom because we need to start standing up for the values that we in this country take for granted
Yoram Ettinger
· How concerned should we be considering our government is starting another round of negotiations with Iran?
· While President Obama negotiates, Iran is getting closer to obtaining a nuclear weapon that could alter the balance of power in the Middle East?
Bill Gertz
· The US has stopped engaging in counterintelligence operations because our government does not want to admit that their might be employees that are no longer loyal to the United States
· Can the US government stop believing they are not vulnerable to leaks and moles before another devastating attack occurs?