
Friday Oct 22, 2021
With Col. (Ret.) John Mills, Gordon Chang and Patty-Jane Geller
Friday Oct 22, 2021
Friday Oct 22, 2021
COL (RET) JOHN MILLS, Former Director, Cybersecurity Policy, Strategy, and International Affairs, Office of the Secretary of Defense
- Col. John Mills: The President’s commitment on a CNN Town Hall to defend Taiwan should China invade was most definitely taken seriously by the Chinese - But what about the White House?
- Should the U.S. blockade the Taiwan straits to deter a potential Chinese amphibious invasion?
- Col. Mills talks about election integrity efforts underway in Virginia ahead of the 2021 election
GORDON CHANG, Contributor, Gatestone Institute, Newsweek, Author, “The Coming Collapse of China,” “Nuclear Showdown: North Korea Takes the World, “Losing South Korea,” and “The Great US-China Tech War,” @Gordongchang
- Gordon Chang: We need to offer a mutual defense treaty to Taiwan and possibly nuclear arms to make sure deterrence is ensured
- Does Taiwan still possess the ability to develop a nuclear weapon?
- Are Chinese parents going to accept the loss of their only child due to military misadventure abroad?
PATTY-JANE GELLER, Policy Analyst, Center for National Defense, The Heritage Foundation, Former Staff Assistant, Senate Armed Services Committee, @pj_geller
- Patty-Jane Geller: Our current force posture might not be enough to deter China when they start fielding more nuclear capabilities
- Geller: Most of the U.S. military’s nuclear capabilities are relics of the Cold War and must be updated/replaced now if we are to stand a chance against our adversaries
- What will the U.S. Congress do next to aid American’s aging weapon systems?
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