
Wednesday Sep 25, 2024
With Debbie Georgatos & Dr. Karen Siegemund
Wednesday Sep 25, 2024
Wednesday Sep 25, 2024
Debbie Georgatos, Host of America Can We Talk Podcast
- I discussed with Debbie Georgatos, a committeewoman from Texas, what's involved in that job, what the Republican National Committee, more generally, is doing to assure election integrity this fall, and the degree to which the stakes in the future of our country are on the line the outcome of those efforts and why we all need to be participating in them.
Dr. Karen Siegemund, President, American Freedom Alliance
- I visited with Karen Siegemund about a remarkable series of programs we call the Roadshow for World War III, the early years events to date, the people who've participated in them, the impact they're having in informing Americans about the choices before our country, notably in and after this election, and the extent to which you can participate in the next of these programs in Allentown, Pennsylvania on the 19th of October.
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