
Monday Mar 30, 2020
With Dr. Sean Lin and Daniel Greenfield
Monday Mar 30, 2020
Monday Mar 30, 2020
DR. SEAN LIN, Executive director, Global Alliance Against Communist Propaganda and Disinformation, Served as a director of a laboratory at Walter Reid Army hospital specializing in viral diseases:
- The medical difficulties in diagnosing coronavirus
- How the complexity of coronavirus makes assessing the magnitude of the pandemic more difficult
- Congressman Michael McCaul's comments regarding coronavirus
- Why Chinese coronavirus death toll numbers should be questioned
- Analyzing the possibility that coronavirus is a Chinese biological weapon
DANIEL GREENFIELD, Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center for Security Policy, Blogs at Sultan Knish:
- Political impacts of the coronavirus
- The swiftness with which coronavirus bills have been passed recently
- Narratives the media have been pushing with respect to coronavirus
- Claims that the coronavirus rates in China have significantly slowed down
- The reality of what is happening in China
- Chinese attempts to shift blame for coronavirus to foreign countries
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