
Friday Nov 20, 2020
With Hank Cooper, David Wurmser and Claudia Rosett
Friday Nov 20, 2020
Friday Nov 20, 2020
HANK COOPER, Director of the Strategic Defensive Initiative Organization (SDIO) during the Bush Administration, Chairman of Applied Research Associates, Senior Associate of the National Institute of Public Policy, Visiting Fellow at the Heritage Center:
- Lessons from the Cold War about missile defense
- Latest news about the successful launch of the Aegis ballistic missile defense system
- Short-comings of the Clinton administration's missile defense policy
- The future of international arms control
- China's missile capabilities
DAVID WURMSER, Director of CSP’s new program on fighting global anti-Semitism and defending the US-Israel relationship, Served as Middle East Adviser to Dick Cheney, as Special Assistant to John Bolton and as a research fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, Served in the US Navy Reserve as an intelligence officer at the rank of Lieutenant Commander:
- Assessing the current relationship between the US and Israel
- How would a Biden-Harris administration impact this relationship?
CLAUDIA ROSETT, Foreign Policy Fellow with the Independent Women’s Forum, Blogs at “The Rosett Report” at PJMedia.com:
- How would China view a Biden-Harris administration?
- China's relationship with the World Health Organization
- Would Joe Biden re-enter the US into the WHO?