
Friday Jan 07, 2022
With Hon. Francisco Tudela and Trevor Loudon
Friday Jan 07, 2022
Friday Jan 07, 2022
FRANCISCO TUDELA, former Vice President and Foreign Minister of Peru, Survivor, 1996-97 Japanese Embassy Hostage Crisis
- Hon. Francisco Tudela talks about the United States' abandonment of Latin America
- How does Pedro Castillo plan to dismantle a free and economically prosperous Peru?
- What tactics are adversaries like China and Russia using to subvert free and independent governments throughout Latin America?
TREVOR LOUDON, Creator/Author, The Enemies Within (Documentary and Book) and Enemies Within the Church @TrevorLoudon1
- Trevor Loudon discusses how the radical Left is indoctrinated a whole swath of religious leaders in the U.S. and beyond
- What techniques are the Chinese Communist Party employing to undermine the U.S. government?
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