
Monday Feb 10, 2020
With Jessica Vaughan, Gordon Chang, James Fanell and Ben Weingarten
Monday Feb 10, 2020
Monday Feb 10, 2020
JESSICA VAUGHAN, Director of Policy Studies for the Center for Immigration Studies, Former Foreign Service Officer with the State Department where she served in Belgium and Trinidad & Tobago:
- The downstream effects of providing illegal aliens driver's licenses
- What role does "Real ID" play in this situation?
GORDON CHANG, The Daily Beast contributor, Author of The Coming Collapse of China and Nuclear Showdown: North Korea Takes on the World, Latest book: Losing South Korea (2019):
- What is the Thousand Talents Initiative?
- Why something needs to be done to end Americans investing in harmful Chinese companies
- The current state of coronavirus
JAMES FANELL, Retired from US Navy in 2015 concluding 30 year career as a naval intelligence officer specializing in Indo-Asia Pacific security affairs with an emphasis on the Chinese Navy, Assignments included tours as the Assistant Chief of Staff for intelligence for the U.S. Seventh Fleet aboard the USS Blue Ridge, the Office of Naval Intelligence China Senior Intelligence Officer, etc., Former National Security Affairs Fellow at the Hoover Institute at Stanford University:
- The "Decade of Concern" that is about to present itself in the coming years
- China's increasing naval capabilities
- What should the US do to enhance their presence in Taiwan?
BEN WEINGARTEN, Founder and CEO of ChangeUp Media LLC, Senior Contributor at The Federalist, Senior Fellow at the London Center for Policy Research:
- Ilhan Omar's impact on the Democratic Party
- The significance of the death of Soleimani
- The ongoing manipulation of the press by political figures