
Tuesday Jan 18, 2022
With Kenneth Blackwell, Capt. James Fanell and Stephen Blank
Tuesday Jan 18, 2022
Tuesday Jan 18, 2022
AMB. KENNETH BLACKWELL, Former Ohio State Treasurer and Secretary of State, Former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations' Human Rights Commission, Senior Fellow, Family Research Council, Author, "The Blueprint: Obama's Plan to Subvert the Constitution and Build an Imperial Presidency," @kenblackwell
- Kenneth Blackwell: The Left is stuck on a moment in history that has “long passed”
- Blackwell talks about the instrumental differences between the Freedom to Vote Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights legislation
CAPT. JAMES FANELL, Retired Intelligence Officer for the Indo-Pacific, US Navy, former National Security Affairs Fellow, Hoover Institute
- Captain James Fanell talks about the fields in which the Chinese navy is currently outperforming the United States
- Capt. Fanell: “What we see from the PRC central military commission…is this kind of totality approach to warfare”
- Capt. Fanell: For the past decade, the Chinese have been outproducing the United States Navy, building 4-5 ships for every 1 U.S. ship, however, in 2021, it was 7-1 ships
STEPHEN BLANK, Senior Fellow, Foreign Policy Research Institute, Author, forthcoming "Light From the East: Russia’s Quest for Great Power Status in Asia"
- Stephen Blank talks about Russian President Vladimir Putin's grasp on power: "If you remember the old phrase about the Roman Ceasers, they could stay in power so long as they offered the public bread and circuses. Putin can't offer bread, but he can try to offer and imperial circus."
- Blank: The West is not a threat to the Russian nation at-large, but Putin's authoritarian kleptocracy
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