
Wednesday Mar 11, 2020
With Maura Moynihan and Claudia Rosett
Wednesday Mar 11, 2020
Wednesday Mar 11, 2020
MAURA MOYNIHAN, Producer at Riverside Films (Produced American Visionary: The Life of Patrick Moynihan):
- Maura's experiences that have inspired her fight against Communist China
- Richard Nixon's impact on her personal life
- What is going on inside China since the outbreak of coronavirus?
- The impact of coronavirus on the international economy
- Could a regime change be coming in China?
CLAUDIA ROSETT, Foreign Affairs columnist at Forbes.com, Blogs at “The Rosett Report” at PJ Media:
- Is the Chinese Communist Party culpable for the rapid spread of COVID-19?
- The evolution of Xi Jinping’s propaganda narrative
- WHO declares coronavirus is a pandemic
- Serious shortcomings in America’s response to coronavirus
- Will COVID-19 lead to the collapse of the Communist Party in China?
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