
Friday Feb 05, 2021
With Yoram Ettinger, Kyle Shideler and Robert Charles
Friday Feb 05, 2021
Friday Feb 05, 2021
YORAM ETTINGER, former Minister for Congressional Affairs, Israeli Embassy in Washington DC, President, American-Israel Opportunities, Ltd, Editor, Ettinger Report, Twitter: @YoramEttinger
- What does "America is back" mean to you?
- Yoram Ettinger: The current fundamental flaws within President Biden's Middle East policy team is their intent to instill "western values" amongst the region's various Arab regimes
- Ettinger argues that Israel made it clear during the Obama-Biden administration that it was willing to strain US-Israeli relations in order to counter Iran
- The Obama administration eroded Israel's relationships with other countries in the region that were also intent on combatting Iran's rise
KYLE SHIDELER, Director and Senior Analyst for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism, Center for Security Policy, Author, "Unmasking Antifa: Five Perspectives on a Growing Threat," Twitter: @ShidelerK
- Kyle Shideler: "You can't deal with American citizens the same way you deal with the Taliban in a cave in Afghanistan"
- The Democrats' proposed domestic terrorism bill puts a lot of undue strain on the US military and law enforcement personnel
- The Southern Poverty Law Center, as well as other left-leaning organizations, is focusing more on rhetoric than actual acts of violence
ROBERT CHARLES, Former Assistant Secretary, State at the State Department’s Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs in the Bush Administration, Author, "Eagles and Evergreens," Twitter: @RCharles4USA
- Wedding of ignorance, partisanship and arrogance separates us from reason
- Robert Charles: There is an extraordinary overreaction to the anticipated obstruction of the election process amongst the policy circles in Washington today
- Charles finds that last summer, notable Democrats were fully in their right to advocate and encourage people to take to the streets - the same as Donald Trump on Jan. 6th
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