
Monday Sep 16, 2024
With Ron Armstrong & Col. Derek Harvey
Monday Sep 16, 2024
Monday Sep 16, 2024
Ron Armstrong, Stand Up Michigan Inc.
- Ron Armstrong and I discussed the passage in the House of Representatives, an important piece of legislation supporting our sovereignty over world government and requiring the Senate to do its job of advising and consenting in the ratification process of a treaty that would crush our sovereignty and our personal freedoms. We also talked about a Chinese company that the governor of Michigan has been subsidizing to come there and the rising opposition to the idea and why, in general, we should not be permitting, let alone enabling, Chinese companies to open enterprises and otherwise do business in America.
Col. Derek Harvey, Former Director for Investigations and Senior Advisor to the Ranking Member House Permanent Select Intelligence Committee
- Derek Harvey and I spoke about the nature of the enemy we face from Sharia supremacism, our failure to understand the true nature of that threat and the political, economic, and military implications of doing so, especially when exacerbated by policies of the Harris -Biden administration and sympathizers for Israel's enemies and ours currently staffing it.

Friday Sep 13, 2024
Brandon Weichert & Dede Laugesen
Friday Sep 13, 2024
Friday Sep 13, 2024
Brandon Weichert, Author of "Biohacked: China's Race To Control Life"
- I talked with Brandon Weickert about the war in Ukraine being lost in his estimation, how we got to this point, and what the implications of both Ukraine and the West losing to Vladimir Putin.
Dede Laugesen, Executive Director at Save The Persecuted Christians & Charmaine Hedding, Executive Director and Founder of the Shai Fund
- Dede Laugesen and Charmaine Hedding had a very illuminating conversation about the elements in the case of hostages taken by Hamas and the divisive effect it is having inside Israel about whether to allow the people who took the hostages and have killed many of them to be themselves permitted to survive the war with Israel or whether that would simply assure Israel's defeat in turn and ours inevitably thereafter.

Thursday Sep 12, 2024
With Reggie Littlejohn, George Rasley, & John Guandolo
Thursday Sep 12, 2024
Thursday Sep 12, 2024
Reggie Littlejohn, Founder and President of Women's Rights Without Frontiers
- Reggie Littlejohn and I discussed a scandalous betrayal of our country, our Constitution, and its people that is underway, and hardly anybody even knows it's afoot. That is the idea of creating a world government out of the United Nations that will be responsible for telling us when we have emergencies and what we must do about them in a manner that will crush our sovereignty and our personal freedoms unless it is repudiated. And we want you to know how you can help ensure that does happen.
George Rasley, Editor of Conservative HQ
- I visited with George Rasley about the debate between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris, and according to George, two other camp followers of the Harris campaign, the moderators from ABC News. We spoke about the nature of the debate, the most important takeaways, and where the campaign stands now and especially where it will likely go if illegal aliens are permitted to vote in large numbers, which seems to be the interment intention of the Democratic Party and some of their friends on the Republican side of the aisle, amazingly.
John Guandolo, Founder of UnderstandingtheThreat.com
- I marked the 23rd anniversary of 9 -11 with John Guandolo, who spoke powerfully about his experiences in the FBI, in the aftermath of the attack, the immediate aftermath of the attack, and the lessons that we have failed to learn from that horrific episode, and the dangers that it represents to us today that we have far more jihadists with far more infrastructure at their disposal than was true 23 years ago.

Wednesday Sep 11, 2024
With Captain James Fanell, Matias Perttula, & Elliot Chodoff
Wednesday Sep 11, 2024
Wednesday Sep 11, 2024
Captain James Fanell, Former Naval Intelligence Officer
- Captain James Fanell and I visited about the efforts being made in the House of Representatives during this, quote, China week to elevate public awareness about the threat we face from the Chinese Communist Party and the urgency of ending our practice of engaging with, underwriting, and otherwise enabling that danger to metastasize still further.
Matias Perttula, Director of Save Armenia
- I spoke with Matias Perttula about the Save Armenia campaign. Why it's necessary? Very important developments coming up next week in its efforts to elevate the issue of the prospective genocidal attacks on Armenia and an idea about what might be done to discourage those attacks by relocating the so -called conference of parties on the climate change agenda from Baku to another less problematic venue.
Elliot Chodoff, Political and Military Analyst, Hamartzim Educational Services
- Elliot Chodoff and I visited developments in Gaza, including the necessity of Israel's strike against Hamas headquarters set up in so-called humanitarian secure zones, quite deliberately and with the objective of inflicting casualties on Gazans engineered by Hamas. We also discussed what is going on in an increasingly fraught situation at the hands of Hamas and Fatah in the areas of Israel, ancient Israel, known as Judea and Samaria, better known at the moment in the West, particularly as the West Bank.

Tuesday Sep 10, 2024
With Bill Walton & Dr. David Wurmser
Tuesday Sep 10, 2024
Tuesday Sep 10, 2024
Bill Walton, Host of Bill Walton
- I discussed with Bill Walton China Week, a period of time set aside in the House of Representatives to focus on legislation concerning the threat we face from the Chinese Communist Party, but also why every week should be China Week, given the mortal threat we now face from the CCP. We also discussed another line of attack by the Chinese Communists and their friends, namely the effort to insinuate a world government into institutions like the World Health Organization and, soon, the United Nations. What must we do to prevent that from happening, lest we lose our sovereignty and our freedoms?
Dr. David Wurmser, Director of CSP’s New Program on Fighting Global Anti-Semitism
- I spoke with Dr. David Wurmser about the lengths to which the United States government and media are going to bring pressure to bear on Israel to make concessions that would imperil the Jewish state and enable its enemies and ours to survive and pose even greater dangers to both of our countries in the future.
- We also discussed the state of the so-called ceasefire talks designed for that purpose and whether Prime Minister Netanyahu will continue to prevent them from resulting in a further intensification of the threats against both of our countries.

Monday Sep 09, 2024
With XI Van Fleet
Monday Sep 09, 2024
Monday Sep 09, 2024
XI Van Fleet, Author of "Mao's America: A Survivor's Warning"
- I spoke with Xi -Van Fleet about her life experience coming from communist China, having been profoundly affected by the Cultural Revolution under Mao Zedong, and coming to America, a country she loves and appreciates as, I think, probably only foreign-born American patriots can, which is to say both to recognize what a remarkable gift our Constitution and the freedoms it guarantees is for mankind and also how perishable it is and why it must be protected, including from the menace and the determined efforts of the Chinese Communist Party to destroy this country and enslave its people.

Friday Sep 06, 2024
With Joe Allen
Friday Sep 06, 2024
Friday Sep 06, 2024
Joe Allen, Author of “Dark Aeon”
- Joe Allen and I visited about artificial intelligence, transhumanism, genetic engineering, biotechnology, and all manner of things that are heading our way and that are likely to transform our world. And in particular, if they are in the hands of adversaries of this country like the Chinese Communist Party, what will it mean for us as individuals, as human beings, and as free people? Is it a promising new world or a prospective Tower of Babel?

Thursday Sep 05, 2024
With Rabbie Pesach Wolicki
Thursday Sep 05, 2024
Thursday Sep 05, 2024
Rabbie Pesach Wolicki, Co-Host of The Shoulder to Shoulder Podcast
- What about Pesach Wolicki and I discussed at length the abiding realities of the Middle East, as is often the case, poorly understood but immutable truths as to what makes the Sharia supremacists tick, What they aspire to, and how they are emboldened to further aggression, not by despair or defeat but by hope and the belief that their further struggle will be further rewarded and what this means for not only the policies of the state of Israel but also for those of the United States of America as well.

Wednesday Sep 04, 2024
With Elliot Chodoff
Wednesday Sep 04, 2024
Wednesday Sep 04, 2024
- Elliot Chodoff, major, Israel Defense Forces Reserves, and I spoke about the state of the IDF's operations at the moment in the West Bank

Tuesday Sep 03, 2024
With Sam Faddis, Dede Laugesen, Christine Arakelian & Ron Armstrong
Tuesday Sep 03, 2024
Tuesday Sep 03, 2024
- Sam Faddis and I talked about the high probability that the United States will find itself in a shooting war with communist China in the foreseeable future, possibly within a few months.
- We also discussed the danger that that would represent, possibly catastrophic danger. We also talked about the extent to which we are unprepared to meet the threats that the Chinese communists represent. But we also examined how it could possibly be that in the midst of a presidential election in which decisions will have to be made about this threat and what it will entail for our country and for our people, we are hearing scarcely anything about this danger in the course of the election campaigns to this point that must be remedied with the utmost urgency.
- Dede Laugesen and I visited with Christine Arakelian about the prospects for helping transform Armenia from a country likely to be savagely attacked by Azerbaijan and Turkey in their further efforts to destroy the Christians of that country and the country itself into a strategically important part of the West and who might be able to help us effect that transformation. In the interest of saving persecuted Christians, yes, but also vital interests of the United States as well.
- I am off with Armstrong to examine what has happened in the course of the past year or so to illuminate the grievous dangers associated with the Chinese Communist Party's Goshen electric vehicle manufacturing plant that has been set to be built in the area of Michigan but is now running into all kinds of opposition from Donald Trump on down. We explored whether it might be terminated altogether and why it should be.