
Monday Sep 02, 2024
Who Will Stop the UN's Imminent Power-Grab
Monday Sep 02, 2024
Monday Sep 02, 2024
We have until tomorrow at 1:00 p.m. Eastern Time to stave off a stealthy power-grab by the United Nations and others seeking to replace our limited, representative and accountable form of governance with world government. As things stand now, enemies of freedom are likely to get away with it.
Their scheme is to start a diplomatic “process” whereby the UN Secretary-General will get unprecedented powers in case of international emergencies he unilaterally can declare.
Unless a nation objects in next few hours, that so-called “emergency platform” will be rubber-stamped by the “Summit of the Future” three weeks from now.
Unsurprisingly, champions of “global governance” at the World Economic Forum are warning of an “era of shock events” justifying this arrangement.
The Harris-Biden team favors surrendering our sovereignty. We must pray at least one other government does not – and says so now.
This is Frank Gaffney.

Friday Aug 30, 2024
With Itamar Marcus, Seth Cropsey & Elliot Shodov
Friday Aug 30, 2024
Friday Aug 30, 2024
Itamar Marcus, Founder and Director of Palestinian Media Watch
- I spoke with Edomar Marcus about the threats that Israel is now facing from inside territory that is ostensibly being controlled by the good Palestinians, the Palestinian Authority said to be Israel's reliable partner for peace, if only it could have its own state. Well, we learned that the Palestinian Authority is right up there with Hamas in extolling the virtues of jihad against Israel and exhorting its people to engage in intifada and violent attacks both in Judea and Samaria and in Israel proper. Clearly, this is evidence of the worst kind of Sharia supremacist intent and hardly an outfit to which Israel should be insistently coerced into making concessions.
Seth Cropsey, Author of “Seablindness”
- I spoke with Seth Cropsey about the state of the United States Navy and the extraordinary challenge it now faces from a Chinese Navy that is not only quantitatively and qualitatively superior, but evermore, it appears, poised for combat operations against our service and what we must do to try to right the ship.
Elliot Shodov, Political and Military Analyst, Hamartzim Educational Services
- Elliot Shodov, major of Israel Defense Forces Reserves, and I spoke about the state of the IDF's operations at the moment in the West Bank.

Wednesday Aug 28, 2024
With, Captain James Fanell, Robert Spencer and Art Ally
Wednesday Aug 28, 2024
Wednesday Aug 28, 2024
Captain James Fanell, Former U.S. Naval Intelligence Officer Specializing in Indo-Asia Pacific
- I spoke with Captain James Fanell about the rising belligerence of China towards the Philippines, the absence of the United States in pushing back against it, and the commendable courage of the Filipinos who deserve our support and help in replenishing their forces in their sovereign waters and territory.
- We also spoke about the powerless state of the United States Navy at a moment when war with China is decidedly in prospect. We're going to have to go to war with the Navy we have, and the Navy's ship needs to be righted as a matter of the utmost national urgency in the face of the great and growing threat from China's armed forces.
Robert Spencer, Director of Jihad Watch
- I discussed with Robert Spencer the necessity of punishing Azerbaijan and Turkey for their jihadist attack on Christians in Nagorno-Karabakh and their prospective attacks on Armenia that may be in the offing.
- We also visited about the possibility of using it as leverage to effect. Restitution for the Christians of Artsakh and deterring any future attacks on those of Armenia by insisting on the hardest commitment to both preconditions, to both as preconditions for holding the Climate Change Conference of Parties 29 in Baku.
Art Ally, Founder and President of Timothy Plan
- I spoke with Art Alley about his Timothy Plan, a vehicle for investors to have confidence. Their money is in companies that support and advance Judeo-Christian values rather than undermine them and our country.
- We also discussed the inadvisability of investing in Communist China and the Chinese Communist Party's control there for national security reasons as well as moral and values-related ones.

Tuesday Aug 27, 2024
With Gordon Chang, Bill Walton & Dr. David Wurmser
Tuesday Aug 27, 2024
Tuesday Aug 27, 2024
Gordon Chang, Contributor, Gatestone Institute & Newsweek
- I spoke with Gordon Chang about the threat of a violent conflict with China and the Imperatives the Chinese now face internally to engage in warfare and the implications for us and the Philippines in particular, if they choose to do so as well as, of course, the repercussions that will be felt far more broadly around the world in that event.
Bill Walton, Host of The Bill Walton Show
- Bill Walton and I discussed the lengths to which the Harris-Biden administration is going to obscure the prospects of a conflict with China and to try to appease the Chinese into refraining from it by propping up their regime at a moment when it is arguably in extremis.
Dr. David Wurmser, Director of CSP's New Program on Fighting Global Anti-Semitism
- Dr. David Wurmser and I visited about the state of the war in the Middle East, the preemptive attack by Israel against Hezbollah, Hezbollah's retaliation for it, and the elimination of one of its leaders by the Israelis a few weeks back. Also, what is likely to come next concerning Gaza, Lebanon, and Iran?

Monday Aug 26, 2024
With Robert Charles, Todd Bensman & Dede Laugesen
Monday Aug 26, 2024
Monday Aug 26, 2024
Robert Charles, Author of Eagles and Evergreen
- Robert Charles and I examined the world, the challenges it poses to us from enemies both foreign and domestic, and the importance of those challenges being properly understood by the American people and those who wish to lead them in contending with such dangers and how they will do so.
- We also discussed the growing concerns about election integrity, not least the practice of giving non-citizens an illegal opportunity to vote in this fall's election.
Todd Bensman, Senior Fellow at the Center for Immigration Studies
- Todd Bensman reported on his recent visit to the Darien Gap, his assessment of the opportunity being missed there to dramatically reduce illegal immigration into this country. And what is being done, it seems, to manipulate the influx of illegals temporarily and cynically for electoral purposes.
Dede Laugesen, Executive Director at Save The Persecuted Christians & Matisse Perttula, Director of Save Armenia
- Dede Laugesen and I discussed with Matisse Perttula the Save Armenia campaign as an exemplary effort to try to save persecuted Christians, both some who have already been violently removed into Armenia and those who are now at risk of being assaulted in that country by Azerbaijan and Turkey.
- We also explored what might be done to deter further assaults, including depriving Azerbaijan of the honor of hosting a major international conference in November.

Friday Aug 23, 2024
With Grant Newsham, Elliot Chodff & Trevor Loudon
Friday Aug 23, 2024
Friday Aug 23, 2024
Grant Newsham, Senior Research Fellow at Japan Forum for Strategic Studies
- I discussed the Chinese aggression against the Philippines and the lack of American support to our treaty ally in a moment of need and whether that is contributing to further efforts by the Chinese to assert their dominion over the Filipinos and their territory and possibly to prompt the people of the Philippines to pursue a separate peace with their mortal enemies and ours in the CCP.
- We also discussed what's happening in Thailand and Japan, and with respect to the United Front Work Department, all topics of great concern as they involve the possibly lethal emboldening of China Chinese, the CCP, and the Chinese Communist Party.
Elliot Chodff, Political and Military Analyst, Hamartzim Educational Services
- Major Elliot Chodff of the Israel Defense Forces spoke with me in his personal capacity as a podcaster and duty expert on developments on the ground in Israel's wars for its very survival, specifically about pressures the United States has been bringing to bear on Israel to agree to a ceasefire that is not in Israel's interest under present circumstances and certainly not under the terms being offered, well demanded really, by the United States government.
- We also spoke about the reasons why Hamas, interestingly enough, is not participating in the ceasefire negotiations and is quite happy to have America compel Israel to surrender effectively to that terrorist organization.
Trevor Loudon, Creator of The Documentary The Enemies Within
- Trevor Loudon gave us a short course on the phenomenon of the Chinese Communist Party United Front Work Department's influence operations in America. The extent to which they have been operating for many decades, but in particular, disclosures from 2016 about the Well, not only the extent of what's afoot but its explicitly partisan purposes.
- We also discussed the implications of these various Chinese efforts to subvert our elections in the upcoming fall contests.

Thursday Aug 22, 2024
With, Robert Spencer, Xi Van Fleet & George Rasley
Thursday Aug 22, 2024
Thursday Aug 22, 2024
Robert Spencer, Director of Jihad Watch
- Robert Spencer and I explored the efforts being made by the Harris -Biden administration to coerce the government of Israel into enabling Hamas to survive and thereby to win the war against Israel and the profound implications that would have any such ceasefire for Israel and inevitably for us as well, as not just Hamas but Hezbollah and Iran all are emboldened to believe that they can in fact achieve their stated goal, which is the destruction of both the little Satan and the great one.
- We also discussed the rise of Sharia supremacism in Europe. The evidence that it is increasingly on the march and efforts by governments there to suppress opposition to it bodes very ill for the future of Western civilization in those countries. And what this suggests may be in the offing for us here in the United States as well.
Xi Van Fleet, "Author of “Mao's America: A Survivor's Warning”
- Xi Van Fleet and I spoke about the phenomenon of the United Front Work Department, its historic role in the Chinese Communist Party's playbook aimed at destroying domestic enemies of the party, and the use to which it has been put in destroying foreign ones, including us, ever since It is being evidenced, its success is being evidenced according to Xi. The top Democratic candidates for the presidency and vice presidency are people who are, according to her, ideologically aligned with the CCP and, in her estimation, actually communists.
George Rasley, Editor of Conservative HQ
- George Rasley, I explored the interesting features of the democratic convention, including the address by the Obamas and the appearances of quite an array of people that I think could only be described as weird, but that's a somewhat overused term these days.
- We also talked about the party line that is being aggressively enforced concerning the candidates and their public persona. In addition, we visited about the prospects for election integrity, notably efforts in Georgia and elsewhere to try to ensure it, the difficulties encountered in getting that done, and their implications for the 2024 election.

Wednesday Aug 21, 2024
With David Walsh, Col. John Mills & Rabbi Pesach Wolicki
Wednesday Aug 21, 2024
Wednesday Aug 21, 2024
Dave Walsh analyzed the nature of the choice between the Democratic and Republican tickets on matters involving energy security for me. In particular, the evidence that Kamala Harris's attachment to the Green New Deal and all that flows from it in terms of energy insecurity continues despite her professed openness for the first time in a decade to fracking.
This is seemingly an example of election conversion on the topic, given the importance it plays in the outcome of the presidential race in the swing state of Pennsylvania.
I had a chance to visit with Colonel John Mills on what he characterizes as 14 different fronts in what is emerging as World War III. It's underway, and it is increasingly dangerous for this country and our interests around the world, all imperiled by the Chinese Communist Party and its friends.
We also talked about the uncertainty as to who is the president of the United States and the evidence now formally documented by three house committees that Joe Biden and his family have taken at least $27 million from foreign powers, including Chinese intelligence. What are the implications of such betrayal, in his case and in the rest of the national security community, given the example being set by our Commander in Chief? The deplorable example being set by our Commander in Chief.
I spoke with Rabbi Pesach Wolicki about the so-called bridging proposal of a ceasefire that the Biden administration is seeking to impose on the government of Israel and why the idea of Israel surrendering control to the extensive smuggling routes that have kept Hamas alive until Israel took the Philadelphia corridor is such a deal breaker and understandably so for Israel and for and should be for us as well.
We also visited the situation in northern Israel, and S. benighted U.S. efforts there to make concessions to compel Israel to make concessions to Hezbollah and Iran at the expense of its security and population in northern Israel.

Tuesday Aug 20, 2024
With Bill Walton, Dr. Andrew Bostom & Dr. David Wurmser
Tuesday Aug 20, 2024
Tuesday Aug 20, 2024
Bill Walton, Host of The Bill Walton Show
- I spoke with Bill Walton about the charge that Kamala Harris is a communist and whether evidence of her philosophy and policy preferences can be determined by her support for something called, quote, global governments, unquote, which would crush our sovereignty and deprive us of our freedoms. We also talked about the increasingly dire straits of the Chinese Communist Party, why it is in the interest not only of the people of China but of ours that it fall from power, and what the Biden administration, what the Harris-Biden administration seems determined to do to prop up the CCP.
Dr. Andrew Bostom, Author of Iran's Final Solution for Israel
- I visited with Dr. Andrew Boston about a phenomenon of Sharia supremacism, which is resulting in a new round of horrific bloodletting against Hindus by adherents to Sharia in Bangladesh, and what this tells us about the attitude of those who follow Sharia towards members of other faiths, which is belied by professions of tolerance and accommodation, central to the idea of interfaith dialogue, which is really just another means of trying to affect the submission of all other faiths to Islam most especially practiced by the Muslim Brotherhood. We also discussed a doctor by the name of Muhammad Al-Sanusi, a prominent Muslim brother who has recently been appointed to the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom. What does that say about prospects for religious tolerance on that important panel?
Dr. David Wurmser, Director of CSP's Program on Fighting Global Anti-Semitism
- David Wurmser and I discussed what is actually going on with respect to the so-called ceasefire talks between Israel and various interlocutors with one of its enemies, Hamas. How what you're being told is not really true, that there is no longer a need for a ceasefire that will enable Hamas to survive and Israel to be defeated. There is an opportunity for the exact opposite to take place, and it should.
- We'll also talk about the policies of the Harris-Biden administration towards Israel, towards Iran, and towards these talks that are evidence of a profound hostility towards Israel and a willingness to weaken it and strengthen at the same time its enemies and ours.

Monday Aug 19, 2024
With George Rasley, Robert Charles, & Dr. David Bell
Monday Aug 19, 2024
Monday Aug 19, 2024
George Rasley, Editor of Conservative HQ
- George Rasley and I discussed the extraordinary role being played by not just the Democratic Party but also the media in fantastically making over the record policy attitudes, the policy proclivities, and even the intelligence of Kamala Harris, as well as the longstanding ties both she and her running mate, Tim Walz, have had with Chinese Communist Party front groups, influence operations, and the Chinese Communist Party itself.
- We also talked about the implications of a monkeypox emergency global health declaration for a reprise of the disasters of COVID-19 brought to us in part by Tedros Ghebreyesus, the director general of the World Health Organization, and his fellow global governance enthusiasts.
Robert Charles, Author of “Eagles and Evergreens”
- I spoke with Robert Charles about the national security implications of having individuals like Tim Waltz with extensive ties to the Chinese Communist Party, unvetted by any sensible national security screening process, and almost certainly representing. As a result, a potential risk to our national security.
- We also talked about the threat to election integrity arising from our open borders and the evidence that is accumulating that
If not the federal government, certainly states and local entities around the country are preparing to give illegal aliens the boat.
Dr. Davide Bell, Portfolio Lead in Global Health Technology at Intellectual Ventures
- I spoke with Dr. David Bell about the World Health Organization's new emergency health global public health emergency, whether it is one and whether what the WHO's Tedros Ghebreyesus prescribes is really about saving lives or about making money for big pharma and other special interests that largely run his organization.
- We also spoke about the competence of the WHO in public health in this country and the inadvisability of the whole idea of such global governance instead of the limited accountability of the representative constitutional kind we have been privileged to enjoy to date.