
Friday Aug 16, 2024
With Dr. Peter McCullough Rabbi Pesach Wolicki
Friday Aug 16, 2024
Friday Aug 16, 2024
Dr. Peter McCullough, Author of" The Courage to Face COVID-19"
I examined the global public health emergency that has been declared by Tedros Ghebreyesus, the Director General of the World Health Organization, concerning monkeypox or the disease formerly known as monkeypox. Dr. Peter McCullough explained that this is almost certainly not a global health emergency and that the treatments that Tedros Ghebreyesus is prescribing or will almost certainly be as misplaced as were those he imposed upon us and the rest of the world in connection with COVID-19.
Rabbi Pesach Wolicki, Host of Eyes on Israel
- I visited with Rabbi Pesach Wolicki about the Biden-Harris administration's determined effort to replace Israel as our most important ally in the Middle East with Iran, an enemy determined to destroy both us and the Jewish state. And how that is manifesting itself, among other things, in concessions to Iran and subverting Israel, including notably its democratically elected prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu.
- We also considered whether there would be any likely improvement in this appalling track record, where Kamala Harris, with her entourage of anti-Israel advisors, to take the White House this fall.

Thursday Aug 15, 2024
With Peter Schweitzer
Thursday Aug 15, 2024
Thursday Aug 15, 2024
Peter Schweitzer, Author of "Blood Money"
- I had a wonderful visit with Peter Schweitzer about his new book, Blood Money, about how America turned a blind eye to China, even as the CCP kills us. We talked about how that happens, the success the Chinese Communist Party has had in capturing our elites, the examples from both sides of the aisle of the phenomenon, and the myriad ways in which that is translating into life support for the communist regime in Beijing, ability that it has to increase daily the threat it poses to this country, the use of things like TikTokn and fentanyl and global governance as part of a whole of society approach to taking down the United States of America and why it all must be resisted with utmost urgency.

Wednesday Aug 14, 2024
With Caroline Glick, Dan Harry & Mike Waller
Wednesday Aug 14, 2024
Wednesday Aug 14, 2024
Caroline Glick, Host of The Caroline Glick Show
- I spoke with Caroline Glick about the threat from Iran, Hezbollah, and other terrorist organizations. We also talked about the U.S. government's policies in regard to all that.
Dan Harry, Deputy Director of Save Armenia
- I discussed a new campaign to save Armenia with Dan Harry. It is in the crosshairs of Sharia supremacists in Azerbaijan and Turkey, and having already driven by force 120,000 Christians out of their homes and territory known as Nagorno, these jihadists have set their sights on genocide again against the Armenians.
- We discussed the prospects of such an outrage and what must be done to stop it or to prevent it rather.
Mike Waller, Senior Analyst for Strategy at the Center for Security Policy
- I spoke with Mike Waller about very extraordinary revelations in the ongoing controversy about Smartmatic machines, voting machines, and software their provenance, their problems, and the fact that several executives of the company have just been indicted on racketeering and corruption charges by a U.S. Attorney in South Florida and the implications for the 2024 election, which, all other things being equal, will involve such machines and or Smartmatic software.

Tuesday Aug 13, 2024
Gordon Chang, Vanessa Battaglia & Bill Walton
Tuesday Aug 13, 2024
Tuesday Aug 13, 2024
Gordon Chang, Contributor, Gatestone Institute & Newsweek
- I spoke with Gordon Chang about the extent to which
Tim Waltz's connections to the Chinese Communist Party constitute a peril to our country; we're to become the Vice President of the United States, and The failure of the media to address that possibility and the risks associated with the media's failure to address that possibility. We also talked about China's encouraging Iran to attack Israel and whether that is part of Xi Jinping's strategic arson leading up to his own aggression against Taiwan.
Vanessa Battaglia, Defense Engineer | Writer |
- I spoke with Vanessa Battaglia about her experience as a young American teacher of English in communist China and the insights that it gave her into Tim Waltz's conduct during and after his own time doing the same.
- We also visited about Chinese companies doing business in the United States with the benefit of large taxpayer subsidies and the possibility that, in addition to the corrupting influence, this assuredly involves the danger of real strategic advantages accruing to the CCP as a result.
Bill Walton, Host of the Bill Walton Show
- Bill Walton and I talked about the new documentary film, quote, Flynn, unquote. What it tells us about a patriotic soldier and what was done to him at the hands of both Democrats and Republicans, determined to destroy him lest he help Donald Trump root out enemies within and their skullduggery.
- I also asked for Bill's thoughts about Tim Waltz and his history with the Chinese Communist Party and whether it could constitute a problem for counterintelligence problem with implications for national security.

Monday Aug 12, 2024
With Robert Charles & Alex Newman
Monday Aug 12, 2024
Monday Aug 12, 2024
Robert Charles, Author of "Eagles and Evergreens"
- Robert Charles and I discussed sacred honor and what it means when individuals who've served in uniform misrepresent their records.
- What it says about their integrity, what it says about their character, what it says, in fact, about their dependability in a very material way, especially when they may have in their background evidence of, in addition, ties to enemies of our country that should also be deemed disqualified.
Alex Newman, President of Liberty Sentinel Media, Inc.
- I spoke with Alex Newman about globalism, the threat that it represents to our country on the part of people determined to destroy our nation, how they are going about it in various supranational organizations and meetings, and the progress they're making towards crushing our sovereignty, freedoms, and constitutional republic in the pursuit of global governance and world domination.

Friday Aug 09, 2024
With, Daniel Greenfield, John Lott & Bill Marshall
Friday Aug 09, 2024
Friday Aug 09, 2024
Daniel Greenfield, Author of “ Domestic Enemies”
- Daniel Greenfield and I talked about the state of counterintelligence in this country and the problem that has increasingly arisen that people with longstanding ties to communist China are not being subjected to the kind of security protocols that have heretofore kept them from holding positions of
power, especially concerning the national security of the United States.
John Lott, Industry Analyst from the Coalition for a Prosperous America
- I spoke with John Lott about the attempted assassination of President Trump, the myriad, almost inexplicable examples of at best, incompetence that made possible the nearly successful assassination of the former president and the inadvisability of the insistent demand of Democrats that AR-15s and weapons like them be banned in the misplaced idea that that would prevent incidents like the one involving Donald Trump.
- We also discussed the record Tamela Harris with respect to gun control and that of the administration in which she has served more generally and knew the dangers arising in that regard from the World Health Organization and the Surgeon General of the United States.
Bill Marshall, Intelligence Analyst and Investigator
- I spoke with Bill Marshall of Judicial Watch about two very interesting topics. One, the extent to which we are being denied information that is vital to public confidence in our law enforcement agencies when it comes to the matter of the attempted assassination of Donald Trump and the second, an insight into Kamala Harris's record of putting illegal aliens, so -called rights, above the law of the land, and in fact encouraging more illegals to come here as a result.

Thursday Aug 08, 2024
With George Rasley, Col. John Mills & Trevor Loudon,
Thursday Aug 08, 2024
Thursday Aug 08, 2024
George Rasley, Editor of Conservative HQ
- I spoke with George Rasley about the latest developments in the political arena, notably Kamala Harris's selection of Tim Waltz to be her running mate for president and vice president of the United States. We dove into their respective associations with hostile powers, in particular the Chinese Communist Party, and the question of whether that should be deemed a disqualifier for anything remotely like these sensitive positions in the United States government.
Col. John Mills, Author of “ White House Reds”
- Colonel John Mills and I discussed the selection of Tim Waltz as the vice presidential running mate for Kamala Harris, his very checkered background, both in uniform and as a, well, fellow traveler, useful idiot, or member of the captured elite of Chinese Communist Party and its implications for the national security of the United States were he to be elected alongside the current vice president.
Trevor Loudon, Author of "White House Reds"
- Trevor Loudon documented with characteristic thoroughness the personal histories and official records of both Kamala Harris and her running mate, Governor Tim Wal, who was demonstrably tied to the Chinese Communist Party and its agents, Marxists, Maoists, fellow travelers, and institutions tied to the CCP's United Front Works Department.

Wednesday Aug 07, 2024
Bill Walton, Kenneth Rapoza & Dr. Stanley Ridgely
Wednesday Aug 07, 2024
Wednesday Aug 07, 2024
Bill Walton, Host of The Bill Walton Show
- I discussed with Bill Walton the state of the markets, what has happened to Wall Street, why, and who may bear some responsibility for it, including, it would appear, the prospects of a Harris presidency. That is not sitting well with Wall Street, understandably so, given the likelihood that she will, if elected, persist in pursuing policies that are devastating to our economic well-being and society. We also talked about the state of the Chinese economy and the fact that conditions have become very unappetizing for American venture capitalists and other investors.
- We visited about a further consideration in the state of our economy: the volatility in Japan's cash—sorry, Japan's carry market.
Kenneth Rapoza, Industry Analyst at The Coalition For A Prosperous America
- We discussed with Ken Raposa what is happening with respect to the Democrats' sudden seeming enthusiasm for tariffs once reviled when they were applied by President Donald Trump, specifically those that are still in place from the Trump era against communist China and its efforts to undermine in particular our green, so-called green, energy manufacturing startups.
Dr. Stanley Ridgely, Author of Brutal Minds
I discussed with Dr. Stanley Ridgely the state of the diversity equity inclusion industry, the damage that it has done to the academy, to the minds of American students, and the implications for the fall as
kids return to campus and almost certainly to new, possibly very toxic demonstrations in support of the terrorist organization Hamas.

Tuesday Aug 06, 2024
Rabbie Pesach Wolicki, Peter Mcilvenna & Robert Charles
Tuesday Aug 06, 2024
Tuesday Aug 06, 2024
Rabbie Pesach Wolicki and I spoke about the prospect of a devastating retaliatory action by Iran or its proxy, Hezbollah, against Israel, the degree to which Israel is prepared for such an action, and whether it may have to preempt it, lest the damage be done at an absolutely and calculably large level.
We also talked about the Biden administration, the Biden-Harris administration, no, sorry, the Harris Biden administration's possible interference with any such action by Israel as it has increasingly shown itself determined to protect our enemies, notably Iran and its proxies, rather than our most important friend.
I visited with Peter Mcilvenna about the disorder that is taking place across the United Kingdom and has been for the past week, prompting some to describe it, as I have, as a proto-civil war and, as the Daily Mail put it, Britain at the brink of collapse. What's going on? What are its implications? And what's to be done to prevent the fundamental transformation of the United Kingdom?
I spoke with Robert Charles about the threat that we, as well as Israel, face from Iran and the importance of ensuring that the United States government does not preclude Israel from doing what it needs to defend itself and us from the threat emanating from both the Iranian regime itself as well as its proxies, notably the Legion of Iran, a terrorist organization known as Hezbollah.
We also discussed Kamala Harris as a national security threat and some very important points as to why that is so.

Monday Aug 05, 2024
With Grant Newsham & Sam Faddis
Monday Aug 05, 2024
Monday Aug 05, 2024
Grant Newsham, Senior Research Fellow at Japan Forum for Strategic Studies
- Grant Newsham and I reviewed some of the really interesting revelations of a Committee on the Present Danger of China webinar conducted on Thursday about whether Xi Jinping is ready to launch a civil war with Taiwan and possibly bring it to the United States as well.
Sam Faddis, Former CIA Ops Officer
- I spoke with Sam Faddis about, well, the state of the world, the threats we are now facing in the Middle East and here from a whole variety of vectors, and what we had best be doing about it and whether our law enforcement agencies and for that matter, Kamala Harris are up to dealing with those threats.