
Friday Aug 02, 2024
With Itamar Marcus, Matthew Pottinger & George Rasley
Friday Aug 02, 2024
Friday Aug 02, 2024
Itamar Marcus, Founder and director of Palestinian Media Watch
- I spoke with Itamar Marcus about the realities on the ground involving the Palestinians, their overwhelming support for Hamas, the false distinctions between Hamas on the one hand and the Palestinian authority on the other, and the extent to which efforts to suggest that there has been unifying of these jihadist organizations is both false and misleading, especially as it relates to the idea that Israel has partners for peace with whom a Palestinian state can be safely entrusted.
Matthew Pottinger, Distinguished Visiting Fellow at The Hoover Institution
- I spoke with Matthew Pottinger about the prospects that the Chinese Communist Party will launch a civil war, as some say Xi Jinping puts it, with Taiwan and may bring it to our own shores as part of a strategy of, well, distracting, disabling, and perhaps destroying this country, which also happens to be a principal goal of Xi Jinping. We also talked about a new book, The Boiling Moat, and what it suggests we need to do to deter such action by the CCP.
George Rasley, Editor of Conservative HQ
- I spoke with George Rasley about Kamala Harris, the lies that she has been telling about herself and her record, and the lies that she is being helped in perpetrating the gaslighting, in fact, of the American people by a highly weaponized leftist media to the detriment of the truth and also the American people's understanding of the woman, her policy predilections, and her fitness for office.
- We also discussed the mistreatment of Benjamin Netanyahu in the course of her visit with him last week and the importance of the speech he made to the American people, telling the truth about Iran and Israel's war not only for its own survival but for our vital security interests as well.

Wednesday Jul 31, 2024
With Bill Walton, Dr. Karen Siegemund & Dr. David Wurmser
Wednesday Jul 31, 2024
Wednesday Jul 31, 2024
- Bill Walton and I discussed the military's lack of preparedness to deal with even a single war and its implications, especially at a time when one seems to be very much in mind for Chinese dictator Xi Jinping. We also discussed another line of attack against our country in the form of various initiatives promoting global governance unquote and what we must do to reject them.
- I spoke with Dr. Karen Siegemund about a very important program taking place on August 3rd in Scottsdale, a suburb of Phoenix, Arizona. We entitled it World War III, the earlier years. My personal title for it is World War II. It's what you need to know about the world war that Xi Jinping is instigating elsewhere, and now it seems increasingly likely to be here in the near future as well.
- Dr. David Wurmser and I talked about Benjamin Netanyahu's trip to the United States, the Biden administration, the Biden -Harris administration correction, what I believe must now be called the Harris -Biden administration's efforts to undermine and depose Bibi and the prospects for a wider war in the North as well as against other enemies of Israel and of the United States of America.

Tuesday Jul 30, 2024
With Sam Faddis, Reggie Littlejohn & Rabbi Pesach Wolicki
Tuesday Jul 30, 2024
Tuesday Jul 30, 2024
- I discussed with Sam Faddis the latest evidence of what went on at the attempted assassination of President Donald Trump being more than we're told what might yet be established, I believe, will reinforce the evidence that our government is lying to us with the most ominous of implications.
- We also talked about Kamala Harris's revisionist history, how she is being morphed from the person that we have known as vice president and before that as a senator and in other roles into some paragon of wisdom and leadership It ain't necessarily so, folks.
- Reggie Littlejohn and I visited a wonderful sovereignty summit, the second in a series conducted by our Sovereignty Coalition earlier in the day. It was a remarkable treatment of four different lines of attack that the globalists are mounting at the moment against our sovereignty and freedoms.
- Rabbi Pesach Wolicki and I discussed the extent to which Benjamin Netanyahu's speech in Washington was well received both here and in Israel, how it went with Kamala Harris and with the pro-Hamas demonstrators, and what is coming next in terms of war with Hezbollah and perhaps Iran as things hot up in the north of Israel.

Monday Jul 29, 2024
With Caroline Glick & LTC. Tommy Waller
Monday Jul 29, 2024
Monday Jul 29, 2024
- Caroline Glick and I assessed with the benefit of her firsthand vantage on Benjamin Netanyahu's visit to Washington and the meetings that flowed with the joint session of Congress, President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris an extraordinary tour de force by Benjamin Netanyahu and some unfortunate, unforced errors by Team Biden-Harris.
- I discussed with Lieutenant Colonel Tommy Waller the state of threats to our critical infrastructure are tremendous and growing, specifically concerning the US electric grid, which is the most critical of critical infrastructures and is highly susceptible to assault by enemies, foreign and domestic.

Friday Jul 26, 2024
With John Eastman
Friday Jul 26, 2024
Friday Jul 26, 2024
John Eastman, Founding Director of the Claremont Institute’s Center for Constitutional Jurisprudence, GiveSendGo.com/Eastman
- I spoke at length with John Eastman about his involvement in one of the most important developments of our time, namely the failed effort to have the truth properly evaluated and adjudicated concerning the 2020 election and the kind of punishment to which he has been subjected personally, as well as professionally, as a result of having fought valiantly, both to try to ensure that the truth outed and that Donald Trump was in returned to the Oval Office as would have been his rightful due had had the cases been properly heard. The Vice President and Congress did their proper role on January 6th, 2021.

Thursday Jul 25, 2024
Elliot Chodoff & Christine Douglass Williams
Thursday Jul 25, 2024
Thursday Jul 25, 2024
I spoke with Eliot Chodoff about the importance of speaking truth to power, which I pray Benjamin Netanyahu will do with the United States Congress in the course of the day.
We also talked about the truth on the ground with respect to progress against Hamas, the infeasibility and unworkability of a so-called two-state solution, and the real danger that is looming not just for Israel but all of us who love Judeo-Christian civilization from those in Tehran.
Christine Douglass Williams and I visited about various other Sharia supremacist threats emanating from the Taliban and the help that the Biden-Harris administration has been giving that regime, as well as what the Houthi rebels are up to similar ambition to those jihadists elsewhere, namely a global caliphate, in this case, under their control.

Thursday Jul 25, 2024
Elliot Chodoff & Christine Douglass Williams
Thursday Jul 25, 2024
Thursday Jul 25, 2024
Elliot Chodoff, Political and Military Analyst, Hamartzim Educational Services
- I spoke with Eliot Chodoff about the importance of speaking truth to power, which I pray Benjamin Netanyahu will do with the United States Congress in the course of the day.
- We also talked about the truth on the ground with respect to progress against Hamas, the infeasibility and unworkability of a so-called two-state solution, and the real danger that is looming not just for Israel but all of us who love Judeo-Christian civilization from those in Tehran.
Christine Douglass Williams, Author, "The Challenge of Modernizing Islam"
- Christine Douglass Williams and I visited about various other Sharia supremacist threats emanating from the Taliban and the help that the Biden-Harris administration has been giving that regime, as well as what the Houthi rebels are up to similar ambition to those jihadists elsewhere, namely a global caliphate, in this case, under their control.

Tuesday Jul 23, 2024
BIll Walton & Rabbi Pesach Wolicki
Tuesday Jul 23, 2024
Tuesday Jul 23, 2024
BIll Walton, Host of The Bill Walton Show
- I spoke with Bill about the latest information concerning the attempted assassination of Donald Trump and the growing number of anomalies that raise serious questions about the official storyline provided to date and the conduct of the Secret Service Director during congressional testimony yesterday.
- We talked about Joe Biden's decision to withdraw as a candidate for the presidency. And what is coming next with Vice President Kamala Harris and perhaps others?
- We also visited on whether Xi Jinping's difficulties at home are increasing the likelihood that he will lash out at Taiwan and perhaps at us.
Rabbi Pesach Wolicki, Host of “Eyes on Israel”
- Rabbi Pesach Wolicki and I explored the visit of Benjamin Netanyahu to the United States, the difficulties he has had with Biden -Harris administration, the cool reception he has received from them thus far, his likely message to Congress in support of Judeo-Christian civilization the spiritual war Israel is fighting on its own behalf as well as ours.
- We also discussed the Chinese brokered deal between 14 different Palestinian factions and its implications for the so -called two -state solution with which the United States government is seized.

Tuesday Jul 23, 2024
Dr. David Wurmser & George Rasley
Tuesday Jul 23, 2024
Tuesday Jul 23, 2024
Dr. David Wurmser, Senior Analyst for Middle East Affairs at the Center for Security Policy
- I discussed with Dr. David Wurmser, attack by the Houthi of Yemen against Tel Aviv, how it was accomplished and what it precipitated in the way of a massive retaliatory strike by Israel against the means by which Iran supplies the Houthi weapons and oil and
support for their war on Israel and the West. - We also did a preview of Benjamin Netanyahu's speech in the United States Congress. The themes that he will be addressing and the very real risks that he is running as we have seen with enemies of the Biden administration, Donald Trump's recent attempted assassination in Butler, PA.
George Rasley, Editor of Conservative HQ
- I discussed with George Rasely President Biden's peculiar withdrawal announcement, peculiar delay in endorsing Kamala Harris, and peculiar contention that he is fit to remain commander in chief, even if he can't do the lesser job of running for president.
- We also talked about the prospects for Michelle Obama to become the nominee of the Democratic Party instead of Kamala Harris and the uncertainties that are now burgeoning about what George calls the operation to assassinate President Donald J.

Monday Jul 22, 2024
Sam Faddis & Elizabeth Yore
Monday Jul 22, 2024
Monday Jul 22, 2024
Sam Faddis, Former CIA Ops Officer
- I spoke with Sam Faddis about the questions that now are looming large about what actually happened that enabled the near assassination of President Donald Trump. And what it says about not just the Secret Service but the entirety of the American national security establishment that has been subjected to years of hollowing out demoralization and culture.
Elizabeth Yore, Yore Children
- Elizabeth Yore and I examined the role of the Catholic Church in the form of Catholic charities, Pope Francis and the establishment of Roman Catholicism in enabling illegal immigration, the threats associated
with the mass migration of Sharia supremacists, in particular for Judeo-Christian civilization, and the damage being done by Pope Francis, among other places, in communist China to both the Catholic Church people.