
Friday Jul 19, 2024
Col. John Mills, LTC. Tommy Waller & Dr. Stephen Bryen
Friday Jul 19, 2024
Friday Jul 19, 2024
I discussed with Colonel John Mills the assassination attempt against President Trump and what we've been learning that suggests there may be more to this than the stories we've been told by, among others, the FBI, who claimed that the shooter acted alone far before they could possibly be ascertained that was the case.
We also discussed China and the attention it's getting at the Republican National Convention, more to the point, the attention it requires from all of us.
I spoke with Lieutenant Colonel Tommy Waller about food insecurity in the United States, how it contrasts with the efforts the Chinese Communist Party is making to provide ample food for its population in times of war in particular, and what our government is doing to exacerbate our food insecurity here, especially in circumstances that would involve disruption and conflict.
I visited with Dr. Stephen Bryen about what we're learning about the attempted assassination and some startling information about the failings of the Secret Service that contributed mightily to the near-death experience of Donald Trump.
We also talked about another possible mortality, and that would be Ukraine, the hands of Russia and the terrible toll that is being taken in this war on the people of Ukraine, as well as the decision of the Japanese government to engage in the funding of Ukraine using proceeds of frozen Russian assets in Japan, problematic development on several different fronts.

Thursday Jul 18, 2024
With Robert Spencer & Captain James Fanell
Thursday Jul 18, 2024
Thursday Jul 18, 2024
Robert Spencer, Director of Jihad Watch
- I spoke with Robert Spencer about the red-green axis, including a marriage between Alex Soros and Huma Abedin, and what this suggests is going on more generally among the communities of the radical left the Sharia supremacists here in the United States, in Europe, and France particularly, as well as in Israel.
Captain James Fanell, Former Naval Intelligence Officer Specializing in Indo-Asia Pacific
- Captain James Fanell and I spoke about the developments in the Western Pacific, the implications for the Philippines and Taiwan, and our vital interests as well arising from the increasing belligerence of Xi Jinping, the help that he's been getting from unwitting American investors, thanks to China's old friends on Wall Street.

Wednesday Jul 17, 2024
With Dr. David Wurmser & Dr. Andrew Bostom
Wednesday Jul 17, 2024
Wednesday Jul 17, 2024

Wednesday Jul 17, 2024
Kyle Shideler, Bill Walton & Kyle Shideler
Wednesday Jul 17, 2024
Wednesday Jul 17, 2024
Gordon Chang, Contributor, Gatestone Institute & Newsweek
- I spoke with Gordon Chang about political and strategic developments in China and the United States.
- We also explored the prospects that internal pressures are creating a very high probability that Xi Jinping will go into active kinetic warfare, not just the unrestricted and people's war kind we've experienced.
- We also discussed the importance of understanding the Chinese threat and contending with it, including in Ukraine.
Bill Walton, Host of The Bill Walton Show
- We discussed domestic politics with Bill Walton, starting, of course, with President Donald Trump's assassination attempt and JD Vance's nomination.
- We also explored various policy issues, notably how the Republican team views China and what it intends to do about it. One option, we're very hopeful, is to cut off its cash flow by ending the practice of allowing Americans to invest in our mortal enemy.
Kyle Shideler, Director and Senior Analyst for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism
- I spoke with Kyle Shideler about the assassination attempt on Donald Trump's life and what it tells us about the state of the Secret Service, which he says has been hollowed out deliberately by the Biden administration and its predecessors.
- We also discussed his warnings that the threats we've been seeing will likely continue to intensify and that more needs to be done to understand them and counteract them effectively.

Tuesday Jul 16, 2024
With George Rasely
Tuesday Jul 16, 2024
Tuesday Jul 16, 2024
George Rasely, Editor of Conservative HQ
- George Rasely and I had a fascinating hour-long conversation about the attempted assassination of Donald Trump. The efforts that others have been making on the Democratic side to encourage the murder of the former president.
- We also discussed the prospects for interference in what must be a free and fair election, some foreign and some domestic, that could prevent that from happening.

Friday Jul 12, 2024
Col. Grant Newsham, Stephen Bryen & Bill Marshall
Friday Jul 12, 2024
Friday Jul 12, 2024
I discussed the threat to the national security of the United States with Colonel Grant Newsham. We not only don't know who's running the government, but we have reason to believe among those is a man who is a controlled asset of the Chinese Communist Party, at the very least Hunter Biden, if not his dad.
We also discussed Japan's state of preparedness to help us in the event of Chinese aggression in the Far East, the shocking discovery that there is a tremendous deficit in the recruitment of individuals for the Japanese military, and what we must do to try to shore up our ally in that regard.
Stephen Bryen and I visited about the efforts of NATO on the occasion of its 75th-anniversary summit meeting here in Washington, DC, to essentially lock in the policy towards Ukraine to prevent President Trump from being able to change course if he sees fit and wins the White House again.
We also discussed the extent to which NATO and the United States government's promises to Ukraine, especially to arm it, may prove inadequate and unavailing.
In a conversation with Bill Marshall of Judicial Watch, we talked about the January 6th false flag operation and the evidence of its true character that Judicial Watch is trying to obtain through freedom of action and freedom of information requests as what it means that the United States Army has changed the mission statement of the at West Point that will be harmful in the extreme to future leaders of our armed forces and their ability to perform their mission.

Thursday Jul 11, 2024
With Reggie Littlejohn, John Mills & Jonathan Tobin
Thursday Jul 11, 2024
Thursday Jul 11, 2024
Reggie Littlejohn, Founder and President of Women's Rights Without Frontiers
- I spoke with Reggie Littlejohn about an important piece of legislation in the House Foreign Affairs Committee, what the bill is, and why you should support it.
- We also spoke about the recent treaty that the World Health Organization adopted.
John Mills, Author of "The Nation Will Follow"
- John Mills and I discussed his thoughts on the government's disarray from a national security perspective.
Jonathan Tobin, Editor-in-Chief at JNS.org
- I spoke with Jonathan Tobin about why Israel should not expect any help from The Biden administration because it's too preoccupied with the war in Ukraine.
- We also discussed why the struggle against Iran and China should be our top priority.

Wednesday Jul 10, 2024
With George Rasely, Kyle Schideler & Peter Mcilvenna
Wednesday Jul 10, 2024
Wednesday Jul 10, 2024
George Rasely, Editor of Conservative HQ
- George Rasely and I discussed the presidential political contest, looking at Joe Biden's churning as the Democratic presidential nominee, the Democratic nominee, the use that his team will doubtless make of his participation in the NATO summit this week, and yet the likelihood that he will be displaced when all is said and done in favor of someone more appealing to the democratic base than he has proven to be.
- We also talked about Donald Trump, his own challenges, the new Republican platform, and the last thing that we'd get the Contre-Ton over Project 2025.
Kyle Schideler, Dir. and Senior Analyst for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism at CSP
- I discussed with Kyle Schideler the virulent red-green axis and its assault on not just Jewish houses of worship and communities but also the underpinnings of Western civilization as part of the shared agenda of destroying Western civilization from within the stated purpose of the Muslim Brotherhood, but also of their communist partners and enablers.
Peter Mcilvenna, Hearts of Oak
- I visited with Peter Mcilvenna about the elections that have taken place in Britain and France in recent days, the implications for the people of both countries and the prospects for much worse to come in terms of leftist sabotaging of key countries in NATO and the of generally like-minded Western nations.

Wednesday Jul 03, 2024
With Grant Newsham, Kyle Shideler & Dr. Ryan Cole
Wednesday Jul 03, 2024
Wednesday Jul 03, 2024
Grant Newsham, Senior Research Fellow at Japan Forum for Strategic Studies
- Grant Newsham and I discussed the anniversary of the surrender of Hong Kong to China and what has happened since.
- We also discussed domestic threats to our country on the eve of the 4th of July and the importance of resisting what seems to be increasing warfare against freedom-loving people being waged by Marxists here in our own country.
Kyle Shideler, Dir. & Senior Analyst for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism at CSP
- Kyle Shideler and I discussed in further detail the enemy within problem rising from those who've come here, in many cases illegally, and others who are homegrown terrorists or potential terrorists and their institutional affiliations with organizations like the Muslim Brotherhood.
Dr. Ryan Cole, CEO & Lab Director at Cole Diagnostics
- I visited with Dr. Ryan Cole about his experiences in the COVID pandemic and what was done to him to punish him for truthfully addressing the nature of that crisis and the response to it, as well as to serve the best interests of his patients and clients.
- We also discussed the dangers associated with the World Health Organization's bid for global governance to every American and our medical freedoms, our national sovereignty, and medical freedoms.

Tuesday Jul 02, 2024
With Bill Walton, Benedict Rogers & Chuck DeVore
Tuesday Jul 02, 2024
Tuesday Jul 02, 2024
Bill Walton and I discussed the aftermath of the disastrous Biden debate performance, which is, after all, just a symptom of his disastrous performance as president.
We also explored what the Marxist Democrats are likely to try to engineer and the weaponization of our government against its political opponents.
Benedict Rogers and I discussed the 20th anniversary of Hong Kong surrendering to the Chinese Communist Party and four years since it implemented its crushing National Security Act there.
Chuck DeVore and I explored what has been the hallmark of the Biden presidency, namely perceived weakness, unreliability, and submission to the Chinese Communist Party.
We also discussed the Chinese Communist Party's acquiescence of both the federal government and various states to ominous land purchases, including some in proximity to military installations and other critical infrastructure.