
Thursday Jun 13, 2024
Peter Mcllvenna & Dr. David Wurmser
Thursday Jun 13, 2024
Thursday Jun 13, 2024
Peter Mcllvenna, Hearts of Oak
- Peter Mcllvenna and I took stock of very momentous developments in Europe in recent days in the European Parliament.
- We also discussed an outcome in which pro-national sovereignty candidates succeeded with particularly great effect in France, but elsewhere across the continent as well.
- We also explored what the prospects are for a similarly minded candidate by the name of Nigel Farage in the upcoming British elections and what it means for the future of freedom in that country as well.
Dr. David Wurmser, Senior Analyst for Middle East Affairs, Center for Security Policy, former Middle East Advisor to Vice President Dick Cheney, retired, US Navy Reserves Lieutenant Commander
- David Wurmser and I reviewed what's been developing in Israel and the Middle East more generally in the past few days.
- We also explored The so-called phased plan that Joe Biden fraudulently ascribed to the government of Israel Whether Hamas has now rejected that plan and where does this all leave our friends in the Jewish state?

Wednesday Jun 12, 2024
Shoshana Bryen, Carl Higby & Kyle Shideler
Wednesday Jun 12, 2024
Wednesday Jun 12, 2024
Shoshana Bryen, Senior Director of The Jewish Policy Center
- I visited with Shoshana Bryen about the nature of the peace plan. a so-called phased plan that the president of the United States inaccurately described as an Israeli plan.
- We explored whether Israel's peace plan has been approved by Benjamin Netanyahu's war cabinet and whether it is consistent either with Israel's vital interests or ours.
- We also discussed the perils of the Northern Front in Israel, which would be implicated in this plan as there's supposed to be a ceasefire between Israel and Hezbollah.
Carl Higby, Host of Carl Higbie FRONTLINE
- I spoke to Carl Higby about his new book "Profiles in Freedom" and the imperative need for us to learn lessons of history, unless we're not only doomed to repeat them, but we're likely to lose our country in the process.
- We also discussed enemies within our country, some foreign and many domestic, against whom we must defend our constitution.
Kyle Shideler, Director and Senior Analyst for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism
- Kyle Shideler and I discussed the threats we are facing internally in the United States.
- We also discussed the increasing, threats to our homeland, and threats to our people, arising specifically from the Red-Green Alliance.
- We explored the fighting insurrectionist demonstration that took place near the White House over the weekend.

Tuesday Jun 11, 2024
Rabbi Pesach Wolicki, Chris Holton & Bill Walton, Host of The Bill Walton Show
Tuesday Jun 11, 2024
Tuesday Jun 11, 2024
Rabbi Pesach Wolicki, Host Of Eyes on Israel
- Rabbi Pesach Wolicki and I visited about changes in the Israeli government, the policies that the government has been pursuing towards the destruction of Hamas, and the conduct of the war effort itself as a result of efforts by the Biden administration to sabotage all three.
Chris Holton, Senior Analyst and Director of State Outreach
- Chris Holton and I explored what is being done concerning food insecurity in our own country.
- We discussed the results of selling off farmland to the Chinese communists and other adversarial nations and legislative efforts at the state level to prevent especially such purchases in proximity to US military installations.
- We also explored racketeering as a legal instrument to be used to defend against those who have been ransacking universities, and cities, in support of Hamas.
Bill Walton, Host of The Bill Walton Show
- I explored with Bill Walton the European parliamentary elections that favored conservatives in many nations and the influence on that outcome caused by the conservative political action coalition's various meetings in the region.
- We also discussed one of the factors contributing to that outcome, which is the deliberate and growing food insecurity in Europe, driven by so-called climate change concerns and policies.
- We also discussed the intention that Russ Vogt and others aligned with President Trump are, "post -constitutionalists" and why nothing could be further from the truth.

Monday Jun 10, 2024
Robert Charles, LTC. Tommy Waller
Monday Jun 10, 2024
Monday Jun 10, 2024
Robert Charles, Former Assistant Secretary of State at the State Department’s Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs in the Bush Administration, Author of "Eagles and Evergreens".
- Robert Charles and I discussed the dangers of an open border and the extent to which it's contributing to lawlessness.
- We also discussed the insertion of potential fifth-column operators from the People's Liberation Army in China and others.
- We explored the contribution being made to the immense loss of life by our poorest frontier thanks to Chinese efforts to insinuate fentanyl and otherwise cultivate marijuana inside our country.
Lieutenant Colonel Tommy Waller, President and CEO of the Center for Security Policy
- Lieutenant Colonel Tommy Waller and I discussed the extent to which our critical infrastructure, notably the electric grid, are at grave risk of being harmed by saboteurs, cyber warfare operatives, and others.

Friday Jun 07, 2024
Gordon Chang, Christine Douglass-Williams & Dr. Robert Malone.
Friday Jun 07, 2024
Friday Jun 07, 2024
Gordon Chang: Contributor, Gatestone Institute & Newsweek
- Gordon Chang and I took stock of where we are with respect to communist China.
- Evidence that Communist China seems increasingly prepared for and intending to engage in kinetic war in the Western Pacific and quite possibly here in the United States in the not-too-distant future.
Christine Douglass-Williams: Author “The Challenge of Modernizing Islam”
- Christine Douglas Williams and I spoke about the normalization of the Taliban, how it's being mainstreamed by Russia, and how it has some very untoward effects, both within the country, of course, but also elsewhere around the world.
Dr. Robert Malone, Author “Lies My Government Told Me”
- Dr. Robert Malone and I spoke about how medical freedom was impaired during the COVID-19 pandemic at the hands of the Chinese Communist Party and their proxy, Tedros Ghebreyesus, the Director General of the World Health Organization.
- What's in store for us next? Now that Tedros has been given new powers in the form of an agreement that both Dr. Malone and I are very much opposed to.

Thursday Jun 06, 2024
Grant Newsham, Art Ally & George Rasley
Thursday Jun 06, 2024
Thursday Jun 06, 2024
Grant Newsham, Senior Research Fellow at Japan Forum for Strategic Studies
- I spoke to Grant Newsham about China, the enemy without and, unfortunately, increasingly the enemy within.
- We also discussed what China is doing to use various lines of attack against us to achieve their objective of the conquest of one way or the other of Taiwan
- We explored China's plan to take down what they consider to be the main enemy.
Art Ally, President at the Timothy Plan
- Art Ally and I discussed how we're fairing in the Lord's eyes.
- Why we may be facing as much tribulation as we are for our offenses against him, what it is translating into in terms of both public policy problems.
- We also discussed what we must do to remedy the situation with his blessing, namely seek it through repentance.
George Rasley, Editor of Conservative HQ
- George Rasley and I explored the extent to which there is a prospect that Donald Trump has actually benefited rather handsomely from the prosecution he was subjected to in the form of law-fare, but also with the possibility that he may become a political prisoner literally behind bars.
- We also discussed what the implications of all that might be, as well as the need for election validity, not just integrity, and what that will entail,
- George also gave his insights into the travesty that took place at the World Health Assembly last week when I was in Geneva.

Tuesday Jun 04, 2024
Dr. David Wurmser, Marly Hornik & Bill Walton
Tuesday Jun 04, 2024
Tuesday Jun 04, 2024
Dr. David Wurmser, Senior Analyst for Middle East Affairs, Center for Security Policy, former Middle East Advisor to Vice President Dick Cheney, retired, US Navy Reserves Lieutenant Commander
- The latest peace plan for Israel emerging from Washington and what it portends.
- Is Washington's latest peace plan embraced by the government of Benjamin Netanyahu? Or is it just another instance of the Biden administration's determined effort to overthrow that government in favor of one that will help ensure?
Marly Hornik, CEO United Sovereign Americans
- I spoke with Marlee Hornick about a volunteer-driven grassroots effort to get not just election integrity, but election validation.
Why are there millions of voters across the country who have voting eligibility but don't meet any standard of validity or legality in terms of registration data?
Bill Walton, Host Of The Bill Walton Show
- Bill Walton and I discussed at some length the travesty that took place literally in the dark of night at the World Health Assembly in Geneva, Switzerland.

Monday Jun 03, 2024
With Robert Charles
Monday Jun 03, 2024
Monday Jun 03, 2024
Robet Charles, Former Assistant Secretary of State at the State Department’s Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs in the Bush Administration, Author of "Eagles and Evergreens".
- We visited at length with Robert Charles about law-fare in America, the corrosion it is having on the rule of law, and respect for it.
- The consequences of Joe Biden's compromise by the Chinese Communist Party with highly corrosive effects and The dangers associated with policies that the Biden administration is pursuing.
- We also talked about the extent to which at this point our country and its challenges require the close attention of the American people.

Friday May 31, 2024
With Dr. Bradley Thayer
Friday May 31, 2024
Friday May 31, 2024
Dr. Bradley Thayer, Professor of International Security Studies a Tallinn University
- Why is the Chinese communist party ramping up its efforts in Taiwan?
- Is China's preference to attack Taiwan before the November election?
- Dr. Bradley Thayer and I explored the elite capture of Joe Biden.

Thursday May 30, 2024
With Reggie Littlejohn
Thursday May 30, 2024
Thursday May 30, 2024
Reggie Littlejohn, Founder and President of Women’s Rights Without Frontiers
- Reggie Littlejohn spoke to me from the World Health Assembly, where they are trying to murder your constitution, your state's rights, and your medical freedom with what I call Plan B, bait and switch, substituting for a so-called failed pandemic treaty, to ensure that we have a new global health dictator governing the world's health policies and what that would mean for you.