
Wednesday May 29, 2024
With George Rasley, Kyle Shideler & Bill Walton
Wednesday May 29, 2024
Wednesday May 29, 2024
George Rasley, Editor of Conservative HQ
- I spoke with George Rasley about elections, the coming one for the presidency, and why many are being buffeted by efforts to corrupt or otherwise interfere with the election process.
- Have we seen the last free and fair election in America? And if not, what must we do to ensure that doesn't happen?
Kyle Shideler, Director and Senior Analyst for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism
- Kyle Shideler and I spoke about a recent incident that seems part of a pattern of increasing probe threats to military installations in this country and power plants or other pieces of critical infrastructure, including the most vital, the power grid.
- We also talked with Kyle about how communities can become truly more resilient by restoring civil defense and levels of security and preparedness to protect such infrastructure against these and other threats now in the office.
Bill Walton, Host of The Bill Walton Show
- In my conversation with Bill Walton, we delved into the World Health Organization's plans for global governance.
- We also discussed the crucial role our Center for Security Policy and its Sovereignty Coalition are playing in preserving our Constitution, our freedoms, and most importantly, your medical health.
- We also explored the potential threat posed by Tedros Ghebreyesus, who harbors aspirations of becoming a global health dictator.

Tuesday May 28, 2024
With Dede Laugesen & Dr. David Wurmser
Tuesday May 28, 2024
Tuesday May 28, 2024
- I had an amazing conversation with Dede Laugesen about a Freedom Prayer X Spaces event that took place in the run-up to the convening of the World Health Organization's meeting, which is expected to produce a new global dictator for public health in the person of Tedros Ghebreyesus.
- Dr. David Wurmser and I spoke about the myriad efforts to take down both the government of Israel and the nation itself, the Jewish state itself.
- We explored the evidence in recent rulings by supra-national entities, recent actions by supra-national entities, like the International Criminal Court and the International Court of Justice, and also what might happen next if the World Health Organization.

Friday May 24, 2024
With Charles Marino & Elizabeth Yorke
Friday May 24, 2024
Friday May 24, 2024
Charles Marino, Chief Executive Officer of Sentinel
- Charles Marino discussed with me his new book about terrorists on our border and in our country and the evidence that this danger is a direct result of Joe Biden's leadership.
Elizabeth Yorke, Policy Advisor, Legal Affirs at The Heartland Institue
- We explored the problems within the Catholic Church.
- Pope Francis's various very problematic deals with the Chinese Communist Party.
- We discussed Pope Francis's dim view of traditional Catholics in our own country and, more generally, the policies of our government.

Wednesday May 22, 2024
With Dr. David Wurmser, Kyle Shideler & Captain James Fennell
Wednesday May 22, 2024
Wednesday May 22, 2024
Dr. David Wurmser, Senior Analyst for Middle East Affairs at the Center for Security Policy, Served as Middle East Adviser to Dick Cheney, as Special Assistant to John Bolton, and as a research fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, Served in the U.S. Navy Reserve as an intelligence officer at the rank of Lieutenant Commander.
- Discussed the latest acts of betrayal of Israel by the government of Joe Biden, the extent to which it is advancing an agenda of global governance at the expense of freedom and sovereignty, and our alliance with one of the most important of our friends in the world, the state of Israel.
- Explored the work that is going forward by the Israelis to defeat Hamas despite the Biden team's best efforts to ensure not only its survival but also its defeat of the Jewish state.
Kyle Shideler, Director and Senior Analyst for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism
- Explored the betrayal of the Biden administration concerning the law enforcement professionals whose performance, capabilities, and morale may be the difference between life and death for many of us in this country.
Captain James Fennell Retired from U.S. Navy in 2015, concluding a 30-year career as a naval intelligence officer specializing in Indo-Asia Pacific security affairs with an emphasis on the Chinese Navy; assignments included tours as the Assistant Chief of Staff for intelligence for the U.S. Seventh Fleet aboard the USS Blue Ridge, the Office of Naval Intelligence China Senior Intelligence Officer, etc., Former National Security Affairs Fellow at the Hoover Institute at Stanford University.
- We got an update from Captain James Fennell about the state of China's strategic arson under the "arsonist-in-chief," Xi Jinping, how it is part of a larger strategy for conquering the world using multiple techniques and quite possibly without having to fire a shot.
- We also discussed the extent to which American elites have been indispensable in enabling China to put itself in a position to do devastating harm to our country.

Tuesday May 21, 2024
With, Ruthie Bloom, Christopher Holton & Bill Walton
Tuesday May 21, 2024
Tuesday May 21, 2024
Ruthie Bloom, Senior Analyst and Director of State Outreach at CSP
- We discussed the developments in the war between Israel and her enemies, notably Hamas, but also Hezbollah, Iran, and China.
- We explored the efforts within the government of Israel, the war cabinet, and even Benjamin Netanyahu's own party, as well as the machinations of the U.S. government to try to bring down Benjamin Netanyahu and ensure victory for Hamas.
Christopher Holton, Columnist and Editor at Jewish News Syndicate
- Explored the incredible work that the Center for Security Policy has been doing to support legislators in states around the country as they wrestle with how to protect their people in the face of tremendous and growing threats here at home. It's a fantastic story and it's a tribute to Chris as well as the Center for Security Policy that he represents so well.
Bill Walton, Host of The Bill Walton Show
- We explored the developments on two sides of the world. In Iran, the death of the butcher of Tehran, and in Taiwan, the inauguration of a man who stands for freedom against the Chinese Communist Party.
- We discussed the prospects of another conflagration being started due to Xi's visit with Putin, possibly here in the United States.
- We discussed the BRICS countries' developing a new strategy to overthrow the dollar as the world's reserve currency.

Monday May 20, 2024
With Karen Siegemund
Monday May 20, 2024
Monday May 20, 2024
Karen Siegemund, President of America Freedom Alliance
- We discussed a very important program describing World War Xi, the myriad ways in which the Chinese Communist Party's dictator Xi Jinping is seeking the destruction of our country and the triumph of his worldwide

Friday May 17, 2024
With Rabbi Pesach Wolicki
Friday May 17, 2024
Friday May 17, 2024
Rabbi Pesach Wolicki, Host of Eyes on Israel, Co- Host of Shoulder to Shoulder
- In a wide-ranging conversation with Rabbi Pesach Wolicki, we explored the state of the war against Hamas.
- We discussed the help that the Biden administration is giving Hamas in not only surviving the war but winning it.
- Why the Biden administration's betrayal of Israel is incredibly dangerous to not only the Jewish state but the American people as well?

Thursday May 16, 2024
With Itamar Marcus, Brian O'Shea & Col. John Mills
Thursday May 16, 2024
Thursday May 16, 2024
Itamar Marcus, Founder and director of Palestinian Media Watch
- What is the perception of Israel's enemies in response to the Biden administration betraying our ally and preventing its military success against those enemies?
- We explored the implications for Israel if its enemies perceive new opportunities to achieve their desired end state, the destruction of the Jewish state.
Brian O'Shea, Chief Operating Officer, Centurion Intelligence Partners
- We discussed the World Health Organization negotiations, the prospect of what would happen if we surrendered our sovereignty, and the empowerment of a man who brought us the disastrous pandemic response.
Col. John Mills, a national security professional with service in five eras: Cold War, Peace Dividend, War on Terror, World in Chaos – and now, Great Power Showdown and the fight to save our Republic. He is the former Director of Cybersecurity Policy, Strategy, and International Affairs at the Department of Defense. John is a Senior Fellow at the Center for Security Policy
- We explored the appearance of people who seem to be tied to, if not working for, Sharia supremacists inside our national security agencies.
- China's aggressive and outpacing efforts in space, which seems to have left the United States in the dust, with profound implications for our security and posterity.

Wednesday May 15, 2024
With Kyle Shideler, Dede Laugesen, Douglas Burton & Chuck Devor
Wednesday May 15, 2024
Wednesday May 15, 2024
Kyle Shideler, Director | Senior Analyst for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism at Center for Security Policy
- We explored the turmoil on college campuses and who's responsible for it.
Dede Laugesen & Douglas Burton, Independent Writer Specializing In Nigerian Terrorism
- We discussed the plight of Christians in Nigeria and also the death of a Christian woman who was brutally murdered for her faith.
Chuck Devore, Vice President of National Initiatives at the Texas Public Policy Foundation
- Examined the travails of a great American by the name of John Eastman at the hands of a kangaroo court in the California bar
- Discussed what we've learned from the Israeli experience about the need for it and the need for missile defense here in the United States.

Tuesday May 14, 2024
With Bill Walton
Tuesday May 14, 2024
Tuesday May 14, 2024
Bill Walton, Host of The Bill Walton Show
- An extensive conversation with Bill Walton about the Chinese processes of hollowing out industries.
- We discussed why the so-called "Green New Deal" is harmful to the planet and our country.
- Explored the Biden administration's decision to cut off arms to the Jewish state.