
Tuesday May 21, 2013
Andy McCarthy, Gordon Chang, Monica Crowley, Catherine Engelbrecht
Tuesday May 21, 2013
Tuesday May 21, 2013
Former federal prosecutor ANDY MCCARTHY lays out the timeline of when Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama were informed of the attack in Benghazi, and what they should have known based on the information available at that point.
GORDON CHANG, columnist at Forbes.com, talks about the Burmese president's visit to the United States and the likelihood of real democracy coming soon in that country.
A victim of the IRS scandal, CATHERINE ENGELBRECHT of True the Vote recounts her experience with the U.S. government when she filed for 501c4 status for her organization. Not just the 501c4 itself but her personal financial life was scrutinized by the IRS. After 20 years without any complications with the IRS, her family company was audited, a follow up was made by the FBI, and visits came from both ATF and OSHA.
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