
Wednesday Mar 03, 2021
With Dr. Jason Hill, Lawrence W. Reed and Robert Spencer
Wednesday Mar 03, 2021
Wednesday Mar 03, 2021
JASON HILL, Professor of Philosophy, DePaul University, Author, "Cosmopolitan: What It Means to Be a Human Being in the New Millennium, "Civil Disobedience and the Politics of Identity: When We Should Not Get Along," and forthcoming "What Do White Americans Owe Black People," @JasonDHill6
Part 1
- Jason Hill: America is special because of its "self-reflexive clause" - It is a country that is always questioning and evaluating its past
- The American Left today wants to embrace "America Phobia"
- Critical Race Theory goes further than viewing race as a social construct
Part 2
- Equity means equal results amongst all groups in society, regardless of abilities, virtues, background or work
- Dr. Hill argues that the Framers of the Constitution intended for all men to enjoy free and equal standing before the law
- Equity rests on the false assumption that we are all born equal, when in fact we are all born with different talents
- H.R.40 and reparations for Black Americans: Dr. Hill finds that reparations have already been paid through initiates like President Lyndon B. Johnson's war on poverty
LAWERENCE W. REED, President, Foundation for Economic Education, Author, "Was Jesus a Socialist?," former President, Mackinac Center for Public Policy, Contributor, El American
- Lawrence Reed: No, Jesus was not a socialist - In reality, socialism is the concentration of power to forcibly redistribute wealth and property
- Communism is completely against all religions
- Four Ways Socialism is Anti-Social: "Even if a socialist’s own life is a mess, he still knows how to run everybody else’s. Even if he doesn’t believe there’s a God, he thinks the State can be one. "
ROBERT SPENCER, Director, Jihad Watch, Weekly columnist, PJ Media and FrontPage Magazine, Author, "Mass Migration in Europe: A Model for the U.S.?," Twitter: @jihadwatchRS
- Robert Spencer: The Iranians understand that the Biden administration is focused on appeasing Iran
- The Biden administration has to balance multiple constituencies, such as the Muslim Brotherhood lobby in the US
- Qatar is amplifying its influence operations in the US to attack prominent conservative voices
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