
Thursday Oct 21, 2021
With Nick Ballasy, Dustin Carmack and Robert Charles
Thursday Oct 21, 2021
Thursday Oct 21, 2021
NICK BALLASY, Senior Correspondent, Just The News, @NicholasBallasy
- Although the war in Afghanistan has come to an end, defense spending continues to rise
- How is the voting rights agenda going for the Democrats?
- What does the John Lewis Voting Rights Act entail?
DUSTIN CARMACK, Research Fellow, Center for Technology Policy, Heritage Foundation, Former Chief of Staff, Office of the Director of National Intelligence, Former Chief of Staff, Congressman John Ratcliffe (TX-04) and Congressman Ron DeSantis (FL-06), @DustinCarmack
- Can the U.S. still compete with China in the realm of Artificial Intelligence?
- Dustin Carmack: The FBI is opening a new investigation into Chinese espionage once every 10 hours
- Frank Gaffney: Did the Obama administration’s “reset” with Russia provide it, as well as other U.S. adversaries, with the technological knowhow to wage war against us?
ROBERT CHARLES, Spokesman, Association of Mature American Citizens, Former Assistant Secretary, State at the State Department’s Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs in the Bush Administration, Author, "Eagles and Evergreens," @RCharles4USA
- Robert Charles: There is a “constitutional prerogative” that gives the Congress the authority to oversee the Executive - a power that cannot legally be used for political persecution
- Charles: We don’t use our governing power to “ring political vengeance” in this country
- A tribute to the late Colin Powell
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