
Friday Apr 16, 2021
Friday Apr 16, 2021
REGGIE LITTLEJOHN, Founder and President, Women's Rights Without Frontiers, @reggielittlejhn
- The Chinese Communist Party is the "anaconda in the chandelier"
- Stop the 'Genocide Games'
- While China was banning domestic flights in and out of Wuhan, the Chinese government pressured foreign governments not to impose a travel ban on China
FRED FLEITZ, President and CEO, Center for Security Policy, former Analyst, Central Intelligence Agency, former Chief of Staff for Amb. John Bolton, State Department, Author, "The Coming North Korean Nuclear Nightmare," @FredFleitz
- Congress Resumes the Intelligence Threat Briefing Circus - The US Senate Intelligence Committee has never been more political than it is now
- Fred Fleitz argues that the US intel committee was right to identify China as a mounting threat - less so for climate change
- Fleitz: Administration policies are being parroted by intelligence officials
REP. TOM MCCLINTOCK, Representative, CA-04, Member, US House Judicary Committee, Ranking Member, Subcommittee on Immigration and Citizenship, @RepMcClintock
- Rep. Tom McClintock recaps his recent trip to survey the US southern border
- According to Gallup, 42 million individuals from Latin American countries want to migrate to the US
JENNY BETH MARTIN, Co-Founder, Tea Party Patriots, Author, “Tea Party Patriots: The Second American Revolution,” @jennybethm
- Jenny Beth Martin: The people in the opposition say they want to protect the right to vote - that couldn't be further from the truth
- Martin argues that the new Georgia state election laws, "make it easier to vote and harder to cheat"
- MLB's Decision Has to Do with Woke Virtues Signaling, Not Voting Rights
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