
Monday Jun 08, 2015
Seán McGurk, Gordon Chang, Richard Perle, Mark Krikorian
Monday Jun 08, 2015
Monday Jun 08, 2015
SEÁN McGURK, former Director of the DHS National Cybersecurity and Communications Integration Center:
- The known facts thus far about the alleged Chinese hack of OPM
- Why a federal government database is so susceptible to hacking
- The U.S.’s capacity for cyber counter-attacks
GORDON CHANG, author of The Coming Collapse of China:
- Beijing’s recent cyber attack against the U.S.
- What motivated the Chinese government to commit such a complicated hack?
- The ongoing intelligence war between the U.S. and the PRC
- The Obama administration’s misguided policy with China
RICHARD PERLE, former Assistant Secretary of Defense and current resident fellow at AEI:
- Implications of Turkey’s shocking parliamentary election results
- The possibility of creating a sovereign Kurdish state
MARK KRIKORIAN, Executive Director of the Center for Immigration Studies:
- U.S. Border Patrol’s shifting duties due to the Obama administration’s immigration policy
- The Leftist-Islamist alliance
- Why the U.S. must use Europe’s immigration problem as a lesson to prevent similar issues at home
- Analyzing Hillary Clinton’s attempt to appeal to immigrants

Monday May 13, 2013
Congressman Mo Brooks, Richard Perle, Daniel Goure, Gordon Chang
Monday May 13, 2013
Monday May 13, 2013
CONGRESSMAN MO BROOKS, talks missile defense and looks into the Pentagon's plan to declassify and share U.S. missile technology with Russia and the dangers this open flow of information might have. Former assistant secretary of defense for international security policy RICHARD PERLE advises against the US entering into a treaty with Russia in which it agrees to restrict our missile defense systems. DANIEL GOURE, of the Lexington Institute, addresses current issues that the military faces with the continual downsizing of the Armed Forces as well as addresses recent reports on Chinese military buildup. GORDON CHANG of Forbes.com argues that China’s claim this past week that it, not Japan, is the rightful owner of Okinawa shows that China is imitating 1930s-Japan by going on a militaristic bent.

Wednesday May 23, 2012
Bill Harlow, Richard Perle, Roger Noriega, Jim Robbins
Wednesday May 23, 2012
Wednesday May 23, 2012
Former CIA spokesman Bill Harlow explains his new book “Hard Measures” which chronicles the CIA’s interrogations techniques that have saved this country.
AEI scholar Richard Perle discusses Obama’s failed foreign policies and the toll it is taking on American security.
Yes, Nukes: The Global Zero Utopia
Roger Noriega of InterAmerican Security Watch explains the violence south of the border and the affect it has on American security.
Special Report: Mexico’s Zetas rewrite drug war in blood
Wall Street Journal reporter Jim Robbins discusses the recent trial and conviction of the Pakistani doctor that helped the CIA catch bin Laden and why Obama is not returning the favor.
Pakistani doctor who helped US in bin Laden raid sentenced to prison

Tuesday Nov 08, 2011
Richard Perle, Richard Fisher, Andy McCarthy
Tuesday Nov 08, 2011
Tuesday Nov 08, 2011
Richard Perle, former Assistant Secretary of Defense during the Reagan Administration, gives his insights on presidential candidate’s competency in foreign policy. Richard feels that it is vital that foreign issues are debated before the election so voters can see which candidate truly understands national security and foreign policy issues. America cannot lead from behind therefore America needs a leader who will lead and push American leadership to the forefront of the international stage. The Russian Reset policy is a prime example of the Obama Administrations failure to lead. Vladimir Putin, who worked for the KGB during the Cold War, has yet to accept the fact that America won the Cold War and uses every opportunity to advance Russian interests at America’s expense. America cannot be the punching bag for any nation and that makes it vital to American security that a leader with a strong foreign policy is elected.
Richard Fisher, Senior Fellow at the International Assessment and Strategy Center explains the asymmetric capabilities of Communist China. China has provided over 1 million parts that either have been used or will be used in American military technology and those parts have been found to be defective by the Senate Armed Services Committee. China sees an opportunity to flood the American market with defective technology which will degrade the US military machine. What is the cost of using defective Chinese hardware in American military technology? Should the DOD be buying military parts from China? How can America buy military hardware from a country that it could potentially be at war with? What do we really know about China’s nuclear arsenal? They have constructed up to 3,000 kilometers of underground tunnels to conceal military weaponry and that should cause concern as to what they are hiding and what it could be used for.
Finally, weekly commentator Andy McCarthy explores the theory of Islam versus Islamism. Doctrinally, Islam is the source of the motivation for Islamist ideology and a classical interpretation of Sharia. Non-Muslims can live within a Muslim society, but must be subservient under the eyes of the classical views of Sharia. There are a lot of Muslims that embrace Western ideas and want nothing to do with the radical Sharia way of line. The threat is Islamism, not Islam. Islamism is the idea of Islamists wanting to create a world where Sharia rules and everyone else must either convert or be expelled. There are many followers of Islam that are allies of the United States and see these Islamists as as much of a threat to freedom, as Westerners do. Andy then goes into an Islamist, who supports terrorism, detained at Guantanamo Bay was transferred to England and is now suing the British government for how he was treated while in custody. The British feared what might happen if this case went to trial so they settled with this terrorist supporter for 1 million pounds ($1.6 million dollars) and is now living the high life in Britain.

Wednesday May 25, 2011
Caroline Glick, Rep. Jeff Fortenberry, Richard Perle, Jim Hanson
Wednesday May 25, 2011
Wednesday May 25, 2011
The president ignored Israel’s pleas and wrote, himself, into his speech remarks pertaining to Israel’s borders and in doing so, affectively started a fight with Israel. Caroling Glick elaborates on this point and goes on to talk about Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu’s thrashing of the president in the Oval Office and his follow-up speech to Congress. Representative Jeff Fortenberry gives his own take on Prime Minister Netanyahu’s speech to Congress, as well as the human rights atrocities in Congo. Richard Perle, the prince of darkness as he is so affectionately labeled, explains how the president’s speech motivated the Israelis to clearly state their position on a peace treaty with the Palestinians. “Let’s act like we have enemies worth killing,” this is the opinion of boots-on-the-ground expert, Jim Hanson and he goes on to give his perspective of the hollowing out of the Defense Department and what that means for future US security.